Spiritual Gifts Quiz What Is Your Primary Spiritual Gift? Take this short quiz to help identify your primary spiritual gift, and we will send you an email with your results! We’ll also subscribe you to our encouraging email newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time. When I am planning the future and want to hear from the Lord, this is most like me: “I have a tendency to see things from a bigger perspective, including planning for the future.” “I have at times left some things unfinished so I could start on something new and exciting!” “I can spend hours studying the Bible and other resources about a topic." When it comes to sowing and serving, this is most like me: “I like my giving to be anonymous, but if it will encourage others to do the same, it can be known.” “When I see a need, I tend to just go ahead and take care of it.” “I tend to cut straight to the point, and I may have hurt feelings in the past.” In dealing with Christians and others, this is most like me: “I have a good memory for what others like and don’t like.” “I am very forgiving, and there are times when I really need to let people fall so God can lift them.” “I commonly get words from the Lord even for people I don’t know.” Regarding truths from the Word of God, this is most like me: “I can find an example for just about everything in the Bible!” “I believe that information without application is a waste of time." “I won’t give to a ministry unless I’m sure it is good ground.” When it comes to my preferences, this is most like me: “I would rather attend a meeting where the truths of the Word are being taught than a Holy Spirit rally.” “I tend to want to direct specifically where my gifts will be used.” “I like to take full responsibility for projects I’m working on, and I don’t like being micromanaged!” When I’m at work, this is most like me: “I can spot insincerity a mile away, and I avoid people like that at all costs!” “Just because I’ve mastered the art of delegation doesn’t mean I’m lazy.” “I’ve been told that I’m ‘a party waiting to happen!’” When I’m attending my church, this is most like me: “I can sense when something evil is going on, and it will really get me riled!” “I’m in the habit of doing things for others, and I sometimes find it difficult to let others do things for me.” “I love it when I meet people, and it seems like we’ve been friends all our lives.” Ready to sendPlease provide your name and the email address where we can send your results. By submitting your quiz, you will also be subscribed to our encouraging email newsletter—you can unsubscribe at any time.Email Address *First Name * Get Results & Subscribe School of the Spirit3 ProductsDiscover the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and learn how to activate them in everyday life through this comprehensive series.